Here at WOW Interior Design our professional designers spend every working day creating our clients’ dream homes. Our clients come to us to design and fit their brand new kitchen, living room, bedrooms and more, and we don’t leave until they are 110% happy. In the lead up to one of the busiest, craziest times of the year, we have put together some great, simple ways to keep your home clean and tidy.

Get motivated – turn up your favourite Christmas music, open the windows and let loose! There is nothing like having a wiggle with the hoover while playing your favourite tracks and having a sing-along!

Assign a home for everything – unless it belongs in the rubbish bin, every little thing in your home belongs somewhere. Create some new storage spaces using storage crates, little and large pots, and a little tip for you – empty washing machine capsule tubs are ideal for small nick-nacks!

Consistency – a little every day keeps the mess away! Once you have done your big pre-Christmas clean and cleanse of your home, assign yourself a couple of little housework jobs every day. Allocate a certain time of the day; when the baby has a nap, when the dog is taken out for a walk, once you have dropped the kids off at school. Maybe even say to yourself you won’t sit down for lunch or to watch your favourite programme until you have had a quick tidy up around home.

Enjoy the feeling of tidiness – sit down, look around and relax. Enjoy it, enjoy every second of having a clean, tidy home. Nothing else comes close to the feeling that if someone knocks on your front door, you can welcome them in without having to worry about quickly hiding the ironing pile, or covering the used breakfast bowls with a tea towel!

Use an upcoming event to inspire you – with Christmas fast-approaching, your home is going to be full of festive cheer, cards, gifts, friends and family. This is the ideal time to get the main rooms in your home sorted! Create some extra space in your living room so you don’t have to worry about where you are going to put your new goodies.

Decide what is essential, preferable or unnecessary for your room – this is essential, but surprisingly so hard to do! You can only do this when you are in a ruthless mood! Grab yourself a couple of black bin liners and chuck chuck chuck away. Get in those cupboards, get in those wardrobes, get in the children’s bedrooms, get in the under-the-stairs cupboard and get rid of anything you haven’t thought about in the last 6 months! You will feel AMAZING when you get rid of the bags, I promise.

Assign chores! – last but not least, you don’t have to do everything on your own. Get the kids’ involved! Offer them some kind of reward, be it a fortnightly trip to the cinema, pocket money, a meal at their favourite restaurant once a month, or if you’re on a tight budget, something simple like a weekly games night! All they have to do is keep their bedroom tidy, help you with unloading the dishwasher, bring plates and cups through to the kitchen – little things which will get them into good habits as they get older.

Most importantly, enjoy the next few weeks with your friends and family. If you would like to discuss the possibility of having a new bedroom or kitchen in the New Year, get in touch with us today on 01303 812343 and we can arrange your FREE, no-obligation appointment with one of our head designers.

Merry Christmas to all from the WOW Interior Design team.